Services: Check-Ups

We provide well child care for pediatric patients of all ages and young adults through college. We also provide ongoing care for subacute and chronic conditions.

Last Updated: October 2022

What is a well child check-up?

During well child check-ups, we monitor growth and development, address health-related questions, and provide a framework for providing immunizations to protect children from serious infectious disease.

Check-Up Scheduling

A daily planner open on a table near some colorful jars and vases.

Please call our regular number, (802) 434-5090, to make an appointment with the doctor and time of your choice.

We recommend check-ups at the following times:

  • For newborns, two days after discharge from the hospital and again at 2 weeks
  • At 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 months (and, in some cases, at 30 months)
  • At 2, 3, 4, and 5 years
  • At least every other year during elementary school years (or every year, if parents desire)
  • Every year during adolescence